TSA Appeal Lawyers

Whether you were denied a Hazardous Materials Endorsement (HME) or a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) or arrested by the TSA for possession of undeclared items or a substance (contraband possessor), the TSA appeal lawyers at National Security Law Firm can assist you in either appealing that determination or applying for a waiver, depending on your circumstances.

At National Security Law Firm, we handle TSA appeals and waiver relating to:

National Security Law Firm assigns a special Lawyer to you in all this cases listed above to handle everything lawfully and they are much guaranteed and approved to work for clients having issues with the TSA Department.

Our Guaranteed Services includes all of the following:

  • Your time is valuable. Our electronic onboarding process is simple, streamlined, and takes less than 15 minutes. After that, our lawyers will get to work so that you can focus on more important matters.
  • Our lawyers will track down and obtain any necessary court records, details and all information for your appeal.
  • Our special Lawyers are allowed to accept BTC as payment for a faster case processing and transaction comfortability (transaction Id must be kept well)